This trip was created round the age old concept of the Surfer’s Road Trip where like-minded surfing enthusiasts would pack up their vehicle before heading off in search of waves and to spend time living beside the coast. The difference with this Surf Trip is that it was designed round the wishes and needs of students who, having attended some of our school programmes, had asked the question “why don’t you do a surf trip”, so we gave it some thought, talked to teachers and parents then designed a trip that would be new, exciting, challenging and educational.

Why Cornwall?: because a large part of the local coastal community is built round surfing and this is why it is the surf capital of the UK and therefore there’s no better place to experience a fully developed surfing lifestyle. The other benefit is that Long Line owner Dan Lavery has spent 4 years at school, work and surfing in the area and has all the necessary knowledge, experience and local contacts to make the Surf Trip a success.

This Surf Trip differs from other school trips such as Skiing because:

  • There is no specialised or designer clothing or equipment to be purchased which most children outgrow before their next trip or it lies in the cupboard gathering dust. The reason being is that Long Line has now teamed up the O’Neill Surf Academy in Watergate Bay, Cornwall and we are able to use all their equipment for the duration of the trip, so really all the students have to bring is what they would normally wear at home.
  • There is no expensive hotel and catering bills because part of the learning process built into the Surf Trip is students will be self-catering in a National Trust property that is fully equipped and is located on the Cornish coastline. The majority of the food required during their stay will be purchased and stocked in the house by local contacts of Long Line.
  • Other surf related activities other than open water surfing are included to allow the students to experience the lifestyle while gatherings local knowledge of the area.
  • Everything will be to done to the same high standards that Long Line deliver at Benone so parents know their children will be well looked after.

This is a 7 night and 6 day Residential packed with experiences that will last a lifetime and at the same time expand the students knowledge of Cornwall and it’s surfing industry.
We are working from an established set programme but we will as ever listen to your views and if possible redesign or alter elements of the programme to suit specific needs of schools or individual pupils.

For more information please get in contact with us so we can share with you our special adventure

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